Familiar Interface, Advanced Features...
Open Sourced

Features including...
A Tabbed interface (supporting up to 3 tabs)
An address bar featuring a url box and navigation buttons
An Integrated RSS reader
Private browsing (mask the history, cache and cookies)
Support for JPEG, GIF, BMP and PNG (with alpha channels) images
Support for HTML/XHTML/WML/RSS 1.0/2.0
Support for WAP 1.0/2.0
Support for Hires and Hires+ screen sizes
No need for the Java VM!
Much more.

Planned Features Include...
Advanced 5-Way scrolling (based off of the Nokia S60 Browser)
Removing the 3 tab limit JavaScript support (using Apple's JavaScriptCore)
gzip Compression for a faster browsing experience
Opening and saving files to the local file system
And more

At the moment, I am not accepting anymore beta testers. In a week I might accept a few more.
Thank you to those who have signed up. I will be sending out an email shortly (once I process all of the applications) with details.

Copyright © 2006 Donald C. Kirker.